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Seal the Deal: Turn That Successful Interview into a Job Offer

Your interview went really well. You explained why you're the best candidate for the job, made great eye contact, and thanked the interviewer on your way out. So now it's time to sit back and worry until you hear something, right? Wrong. Redefine the waiting game and seal the deal - with the help of a staffing recruiter.

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Turn That Assignment Into a Job Offer

Looking for a full-time, direct hire job in the new year? A temporary or contract assignment is a great place to start. Here’s why - and how to turn that short-term role into your new work home.

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Your Dream Job: Land It With a Strong Personal Brand

No matter what type of role you’re seeking, you need to market yourself and your job expertise to recruiters. Here's how to build an unmistakable personal brand that positions you as a standout candidate and instantly says, "Yep, I'm the one you need to hire!"

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From Hanger to Hired: Dress for Success to Land the Job

Is that interview outfit smart or schlumpy? Is it right for the employer's workplace culture and the role? Learn what to wear - and what NOT to wear - to make the best impression...and get hired! 

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Beyond the Job Description: Finding Your Ideal Employer Fit

Employers are ALWAYS putting their best foot forward in a job posting. How can you tell if the opportunity and the company will be a good fit? This step-by-step guide explains how to choose the best employer for your career growth and long-term satisfaction.

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