
Learning & Development

Align individual employee goals and performance with the company's overall mission.
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6 Strategies for Upskilling Tomorrow's Workers Today

Companies reap the most benefits when they plan ahead. But financial investments aren't enough on their own. A successful long-term staffing plan also includes retention strategies such as offering development opportunities and fostering an appealing and supportive work environment-and it requires buy-in from all levels of the organization. 

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Reconsidering 3 Widespread HR Practices

Many traditions that arose in the past to fulfill specific functions still have relevance today. But often, a tradition’s original purpose has been lost-or is no longer being served-and "we've always done it that way" becomes the reason why it persists. This holds especially true in organizational life, where most organizations continue to follow three common practices that may have outlived their usefulness. 

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3 Important Statistics about the Skills Gap

An organization has a skills gap when a tension exists between what it needs to accomplish and what its employees are capable of doing. To some degree, most organizations find themselves in this situation today, thanks to factors such as the retirement of older workers, economic changes, and the continued lightning-fast evolution in technology. By examining some key data points about the skills gap, though, companies can be better prepared to understand its significance and take steps to address it.

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A Survival Guide to Feeling Overwhelmed

Everyone feels that they're always behind and barely treading water. Fortunately, there are some powerful strategies for not only surviving an overwhelming life but turning it into a life of joy and positive impact.

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Fast-Forwarding To The Future

The events of the past two years have accelerated changes in ways no one ever anticipated. In short, the pandemic put the future on fast-forward.

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